Mapping the Farm
Mapping the Farm
Mapping the Farm

Mapping the Farm

Alfred A. Knopf Publishing Inc., New York, New York, 1995


A beautifully written, nonfiction book about Americas vanishing farms is difficult to sell. To jacket this book with an ubiquitous landscape photograph seemed too dull. This work is about the relationship of a family to their land, their farm, and also about the significance of the farm to our culture. While the unfolding map idea is extravagant for a book of this type, it seemed the only way to attract attention to this great piece of writing. Production-wise, this was a nightmare.

The natural direction to print a book jacket is with the grain of the paper running vertically, so it will fold on the grain, around the book. But, with the mapping fold running horizontally, the folded jacket buckled when we wrapped the book. The solution was to print the jackets with the grain running from side-to-side and score the jackets on the fold where the flaps turn into the book. The registration of the type on the spine is incredible, great craft from the printer.

Collections: 50 Books | 50 Covers of 1995
Discipline: Book design
Format: Book cover