• Fine Line Features identity
  • Jim Beam Small Batch
  • Smart Start brand design
  • FedEx
  • Creative Edge Parties Advertisement
  • FedEx
  • Levi's Accessories 1979
  • Symbol: Rug Tufters
  • The CBS Late Movie
  • Ping
  • Encyclopedia Placematica
  • An Eddie Bauer Clinic
  • Tivoli Packaging
  • One Day For Design Promotion
  • Museum of the African Diaspora logo
  • Exos
  • Design Logic
  • Blackdog
  • Eclat
  • Charles Chocolates
  • Dallas Repertory Theatre
  • Unity 2
  • T.W. Design
  • Magico Logo
  • Superman  Brand  Book
  • AIC
  • Art Kane Photographer Stationery