• Persantin, pamphlet and envelope
  • Catalyst 12, brochure
  • Symphony of Psalms, program
  • Treating danger signals in pregnancy, pamphlet
  • Black and White Preview…, brochure
  • Mettler Instrument Corporation, announcement folder
  • EE, type showing
  • 1092/1093 Programmed Keyboard, brochure
  • In “extra problem” patients…, leaflet
  • Butazolidin, 3 folders
  • Polytron Autofroth Equipment, brochure
  • How Xerography Works, booklet
  • Polytron Froth Foam Systems, brochure
  • Concora Cylinder Boxboard, folder
  • Eugéne Atget, folder
  • 1963 Awards Competition, brochure
  • Paperbacks U.S.A., announcement folder
  • Design 63, announcement folder
  • A Different Drummer, brochure
  • Shrink Film Packaging, brochure
  • Hygroton, brochure
  • Jaguar, brochure
  • Graduate Study in Mathematics, leaflet
  • This is Mead Mark I, folder
  • 1962 Annual School & Camp Directory, cover
  • VANDERBEEK!, announcement folder
  • Broad Spectrum, paper showing