• Crockett's Victory Garden Guide, calendar
  • Dog Astrology Chart
  • AGI California Poster
  • Knoll Catalogue
  • Fine Arts Exhibition call for entries
  • Federal Income Tax Form
  • French Quality
  • 3-D Seismology
  • Creative Psychiatry 10, 11, 12
  • New England, aircraft menu
  • Greens Restaurant
  • Evening at Symphony- Program Notes 1978-1979
  • Symbol Signs, poster
  • Dead Bolt Lock, poster
  • The First One, tabloid
  • California Wine Tours/Napa Valley
  • Rainbow Kit
  • Paper Zoo
  • GO Restaurant
  • Evening at Symphony
  • Winter Social Colors, fabric chart
  • Crate & Barrel Construction Brigade
  • Irving Trust Company (Stock Certificate)
  • Time Correlation of Major World Events... poster
  • Around the world on one tank of gas
  • Scapegoat for a Volatile Problem
  • New York Metropolitan Transit Authority, Subway-Sign System