• VentureGraphics
  • Best Products 25th year
  • Rhinoceros, logo
  • U & lc., logo
  • Scene East Productions Ltd., logo and stationery
  • CBS Radio, logo
  • Heritage Trails
  • Dallas Repertory Theatre
  • Smith & Schraishuhn
  • Old Chatham Sheepherding Company
  • Levi's "Loose" Logo
  • Letterhead  Mecca
  • Beer Whores
  • SX,  logo
  • Unity 2
  • USA Film Festival, trademark
  • Cross Training Logo
  • Ring of Fire Aquarium
  • American Republic Insurance Company
  • Guest Services Hospitality Management
  • Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corporation
  • Magico Logo
  • Baxter Arabian Farms
  • Railex
  • DogBoy
  • Total Financial Services, logo
  • Lithographix, logo