• The Lab Book
  • Haycock Kienberger Design Studio
  • Photography-Manarchy, Lithography-Hennegan
  • Holiday Wrapping Paper
  • “Wear a Condom!”
  • “Jennifer 8”
  • TheaterWorks 91-92 Plays
  • Juilliard
  • Marie & Bruce
  • “Nicholas Nickleby”
  • "My Own Private Idaho"
  • “Jungle Fever”
  • The Park People
  • The World Is Our Campus
  • Guide to New York Design Scene
  • PM Typography 1982
  • Mountain Lid Woolens
  • The Overlook Press
  • Freightliner
  • Blotto Studio Self Promotional Poster
  • "Tricky Ollie” Poster
  • Wieland Capabilities Brochure
  • Upfront Invitation
  • Hambly & Woolley Sweatshirt
  • Nike Design Trading Cards
  • Karma