• C.K. & C. Wedding
  • First Year Celebration
  • Sundial
  • Racism Poster
  • Stanley Bach Photography Promotion Poster
  • Aalto
  • Great Beginnings
  • Cranbrook Architecture 79/80
  • Health Education
  • Ger Dekkers: New Dutch Landscape Catalog
  • Kitty Condoms
  • “Happy Shootin”
  • Emberama Christmas Card
  • Generalizin; Hootin Tootin (Posters)
  • Twenty-five Thousand Dollars…
  • IBM 3704/3705 Communications Controller, brochure
  • Visit the Brooklyn Academy of Music, poster
  • Exhibition Announcement, postcard
  • Exhibition Announcement, postcard
  • Study/Antioch/Work. catalog
  • Jewelry Design at F.I.T, folder
  • From A to Z. cataloq
  • Front Bach, T-shirt
  • Color Gear/Neon Faces
  • Perspecta Thirteen/Perspecta Fourteen, poster
  • Pathfinder, promotional piece
  • CBS News Presents Highlights of 1970, booklet