• Exhibition Announcement, postcard
  • Study/Antioch/Work. catalog
  • Jewelry Design at F.I.T, folder
  • From A to Z. cataloq
  • Front Bach, T-shirt
  • Color Gear/Neon Faces
  • Perspecta Thirteen/Perspecta Fourteen, poster
  • Pathfinder, promotional piece
  • CBS News Presents Highlights of 1970, booklet
  • Incentive Sales Packet
  • REA Air Express Rides Again!, poster
  • Richard G. Stein and Associates, promotional folder
  • Deep Purple Fireball, poster
  • ADLA Hair Contest, mailer
  • AIGA 1969 Learning Materials Show, call for entries
  • Things That Bite Little Girls, mailer
  • Picker Nuclear New Automatic Magnascanner brochure
  • The Tezuka Press folder
  • Young People's Art Exhibit poster
  • Smuckers Old-Fashioned Goodness
  • The Saturday Late Show, brochure
  • Ballantine tells the world, promotion piece and envelope
  • The Bettmann Archive, poster
  • The Further Adventures…, mailing piece
  • Push Pin Graphic, 18 Maxims, booklet
  • The M.I.T. Gilbert and Sullivan Society, poster
  • Be careful when you wear…, booklet