Yunker ’97 Brochure

Yunker ’97 Brochure

Terrelonge, Inc., Toronto, Ontario, 1996


Our interest in this catalogue was to explore the use of language and typography. We decided to use the printed word—a visual language—as a cue for deciphering meaning; to transgress the boundaries between what and how we read, essentially the language of design. We used Italian and African languages (“uno erey” means “one word”) to translate the idea of clothes—to create an impression of another dimension in clothing design or graphic design, because both clothing design and graphic design are a part of public discourse. Rather than using the “standard” English and French or Spanish languages, we used Italian and African languages to convey a more global message. And to push the boundaries of what we have come to accept as the standard languages and how we communicate with one another.

The pattern displayed illustrates the complicated technical nature of sewing, made simple. For us, it was important to make this message simple because of the technical involvement of the clothing. We used blue Mylar film to provide texture and suggest the layering of clothing. The audience for this piece was the retailer and the consumer.

Collections: Communication Graphics: 18 (1997)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Typographic design
Format: Type design, Cards


Design firm
Terrelonge, Inc.
Creative director
Del Terrelonge
Graphic designers
Del Terrelonge, Karen Oikonen
Annabel Reyes
Cheyenne Yulo Press