Halloween Campaign 2005
Halloween Campaign 2005
Halloween Campaign 2005
Halloween Campaign 2005
Halloween Campaign 2005

Halloween Campaign 2005

Office, San Francisco, California, 2005


The 2005 Target Halloween campaign, Prepare to Scare, was developed to help parents with their Halloween decorating and party-planning needs, while allowing kids to experience the excitement of entering a haunted-forest wonderland.

In an attempt to re-create the trick-or-treating experience within the store, end caps were outfitted with rooftops, street signs and doorbells. Each doorbell featured a different Scaracter, who would greet guests with a series of character-specific responses: “You look fang-tastic.” “Come on in for a BITE.” “Gummy worm go in mouth, not in nose.” The Scaracters were displayed with personality traits (Scareigold—seven petals, two leaves, eats green thumbs), allowing guests to form emotional connections with the products and in-store marketing.
The campaign encompassed in-store design; packaging design; product design; circular, direct mail, online and PR ideation.

Juror Notes

Illustrative. The whole system is incredible. Great example of how you can transform a “box” (retail environment) with creativity and a few elements. Great illustrations paired with a very simple messaging. Easy to install . . . “Instant Halloween.” Very well done!

Collections: AIGA 365: 27 (2006)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Brand and identity systems design
Format: Brand and identity systems, Signage


Design firm
Creative directors
Tim Murray, Jason Schulte
Art director
Mike Rice
Nicole Flores, Jason Schulte
Jason Schulte
Nicole Flores, Jeff Mueller, Jason Schulte
Hand drawn, Daisy, Mona