That Dog “Totally Crushed Out”

That Dog “Totally Crushed Out

Geffen Records, Los Angeles, California, 1996


This album is all about teen crushes and falling in and out of love, so we chose to imitate a teen romance novel. The cover illustration really nailed the look we were after. We continued the theme on the inside by treating the song and lyrics as chapters in a book and even doing an “about the authors” bit with the band bios. I think this package is successful because it captures the look and feeling of what the songs are all about.

Collections: Sound Off: The Top 100 CDs, Music Videos and Print Collateral
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Package design
Format: Package, Album cover


Design firm
Geffen Records
Art director
Robert Fisher
Jason Dowd
Photobooth 2000
Brody, New Century Schoolbook, Spumoni