• Notes by Lady Louisa Stuart on George Selwyn and His Contemporaries
  • Hell for Leather! The Epwell Hunt, The Melton Hunt
  • Deep Song: Adventures with Gypsy Songs and Singers in Andalusia and Other Lands, with Original Translations
  • The White Cat and Other Old French Fairy-Tales
  • Foreshadowings of Smith College: Selections from Letters of Louisa Dickinson to John Morton Greene 1856–1857, Prepared by Their Daughter Helen French Greene
  • The Psalms of David in Metre According to the Version Approved by the Church of Scotland (The Scottish Psalter)
  • Analytical Principles of the Production of Oil, Gas, and Water from Wells
  • Private Paper of James Boswell from Malahide Castle, In the Collection of Lt.-Colonel Ralph Heyward Isham, Prepared for the Press by Geoffrey Scott
  • Mason Locke Weems: His Works and Ways in Three Volumes, A Bibliography Left Unfinished by Paul Leicester Ford
  • Letters: Joseph Conrad to Richard Curle, Edited with an Introduction and Notes by R.C.
  • The Diary and Letters of Benjamin Pickman (1740–1819) of Salem, Massachusetts With a Biographical Sketch and Genealogy of the Pickman Family, by George Francis Dow
  • Around the Horn in ’49: The Journal of The Hartford Union Mining and Trading Company, December, 1848 to September, 1849, With an Introduction by Oscar Lewis
  • Vita de Sancto Hieronymo, Reprint of the Life of St. Jerome, in Italian, which is found in few copies only of the edition of his Letters printed at Ferrara by Lorenzo de Rossi in 1497