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  • Sidney Lawton Smith: Designer, Etcher, Engraver, With Extracts from His Diary and a Check List of His Bookplates
  • Descriptive Catalogue of Japanese and Chinese Illustrated Books in the Ryerson Library of The Art Institute of Chicago
  • The Subtyl Historyes and Fables of Esope: Translated out of Frensshe into Englysshe by William Caxton at Westmynstre in the yere of oure Lorde MCCCCLXXXIII
  • An Original Leaf, from the Bible of the Revolution, and an Essay concerning it, Colonial Edition
  • Fashions in American Typography 1780 to 1930, With brief illustrated stories of the life and environment of the American people in seven periods and demonstrations of E.G.G.’s Fresh Note Typography
  • Robbins’ Journal, Comprising an account of the loss of the Brig Commerce of Hartford (Con.) James Riley, Master, upon the Western Coast of Africa, August 28th, 1815