• The Nation’s Nightmare
  • Ralph Sutton, record cover
  • Olivetti, bulletin
  • Hadyn Symphonies 43 and 50
  • Impressions
  • Mexican Cross
  • Martin-Senour, executive stationery
  • Privine, detail folder
  • Matisse, catalogue
  • Stationery—Christ Church
  • The Love of Books
  • Testosterone Blotter
  • Steuben, Xmas catalogue
  • Five Exciting New Shows
  • Huron Press, announcements
  • Ev’ry Day with Meredith Wilson
  • A Cabin in the Clearing
  • Faith and Hope of an American (Graham)
  • Armstrong Type Manual
  • Quality
  • Have You Tried Pentids in Streptococcal otitis media?
  • Mr. Plus Blotters
  • The Kentucky Derby, special envelope
  • The Wood Duck
  • Monroe at Bristol
  • American Forum of the Air
  • Victory at Sea