• The Twenties, 1961, no. 34
  • “Metrecal: How can it help you lose weight…and avoid regaining it”
  • “If Vodka has no taste, how come I can tell which one is Wolfschmidt?”
  • “We asked William B. Williams of WNEW Radio what he thought of rock ‘n’ roll”
  • Mommies At Work
  • The Demons
  • Misch Kohn
  • The Toadstool Millionaires
  • Robert Kaufmann
  • Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson
  • The Cookout Book
  • Another Holiday Issue, 1961, no. 35
  • Six Poets of Modern Greece
  • The Literary Memoranda of William Hickling Prescott
  • William Andrews Spalding: Los Angeles Newspaperman
  • A is for Anything
  • The Collected Dialogues of Plato
  • The Age of Churchill
  • The Craft & Context of Translation
  • Scribbledehobble:  The Ur-Workbook for Finnegans Wake
  • Morning Star: A Biography of Lucy Stone
  • Poems and Drawings
  • The Story of a Novel
  • Early English Christmas Carols
  • Fundamental Mathematics, Second Edition
  • Gwendolyn, The Miracle Hen
  • The American Year