• Vein of Violence, paperback cover
  • View 1960, exhibition catalogue
  • D. Wain, moving notice
  • Westinghouse, trademark design
  • We Work Free…, folder
  • Who Did It? portfolio cover, envelope
  • “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”
  • “Belgium”
  • “Bendel Doorman”
  • “Cha Cha Cha”
  • “The Generous Bandage”
  • “Haggle On Crane’s”
  • “Lemon”
  • “Now 10 Seconds”
  • Print magazine cover (Target)
  • The Art of Assemblage
  • Pepsi Cola World
  • Hammers That Hit Costly Blows, mailer
  • Our approach to the danger…, booklet
  • School of Visual Arts, poster
  • Sochis, letterhead, envelope, labels
  • Streisand, greeting card
  • Architectural and Engineering News cover, February 1961
  • Architectural and Engineering News cover, May 1961
  • Kanulase, sampler box
  • The Man of Sensibility, jacket
  • Monthly Graphic no. 32