• Architectural Forum/June 1963, magazine cover
  • Prices\, Profits & Ft. Wayne, market report booklet
  • International Hour Music From Hollywood, brochure
  • “Pâté costs more…”
  • Ballantine tells the world, promotion piece and envelope
  • The Bettmann Archive, poster
  • The Further Adventures…, mailing piece
  • Push Pin Graphic, 18 Maxims, booklet
  • Herald Tribune Sunday Magazine, cover
  • In every fat man…Preludin, pamphlet and envelope
  • Mother and Child in Modern Art, exhibition catalogue
  • The M.I.T. Gilbert and Sullivan Society, poster
  • Big for BH & G, folder and envelope
  • Chicago Collectors, invitation and catalogue
  • Be careful when you wear…, booklet
  • Beekman-Downtown Hospital Annual Report
  • People, promotion brochure
  • I Wanna Be Around, record album cover
  • The Photographer and the American Landscape, exhibition catalogue
  • The Olympic Games and Asia, promotion booklet
  • Reflections, vol. 3, no. 3, booklet
  • Your Future with Westinghouse Research, brochure
  • Pop Art has come to this…, broadside
  • “Skinny chickens make thin soup…”
  • “He hates caviar, too!”
  • “Crazy mixed-up fruit”
  • “Do you know why cars are new…”