Disappearing Americans
Disappearing Americans
Disappearing Americans
Disappearing Americans
Disappearing Americans
Disappearing Americans

Disappearing Americans

B. Martin Pedersen, B. Martin Pedersen, New York, New York, 1971


Disappearing Americans: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Medium: Silkscreen

First published as the cover for the American Way in May 1971, the "Disappearing Americans" was comprised of nine flag images with Quanah Parker Comanche Chief, an extraordinary warrior and the last chief of the Comanches, on the cover. Quanah became the main spokesman and peacetime leader of the Native Americans in the southern plains. Son of Chief Peta Nocona and Cynthia Ann Parker, a white woman captured by the Comanches as a child, Quanah later added his mother's surname to his given name.

At the time the cover was published, an American Indian legal group called Arrow, Inc. (Americans for Restitution and Righting of Old Wrongs) saw the cover and asked for permission to use it. Pedersen gave it freely.

A limited edition silk screen was later designed as a series of only four separate flags.

Collections: B. Martin Pedersen
Discipline: Promotional design and advertising
Format: Posters