• Great Ideas of Western Man, cube
  • Rock Island Fine Arts Exhibition, Call for Entries 1971, poster
  • The Jubilee Sale, promotional paperback
  • Pepsi-Cola World, February-March 1971, magazine cover
  • Letterhead, Envelope and Business Card, stationery
  • Department of Medicine, general information recruiting brochure
  • Stella/Morris Exhibition, poster
  • "Open season on school children ..."
  • "Save bread on our rolls."
  • "Teeth don't die a natural death."
  • "Gun Control"
  • "Little Girl"
  • Units 1,2,3, 4, Junior High Guidance Workbooks
  • The Great American Dream Party, invitation
  • "5 cents off the top."
  • “Flee to a gentle, natural society..."
  • "Construction"
  • "History"
  • "Mr. Ferrari"
  • Can One Little Bug Destroy a Whole Program? poster
  • Good-bye To All That, poster
  • Insights: Frieda Fromm-Reichmann on Anxiety, booklet
  • Annual Report 1970
  • "What becomes a legend most?"
  • The Imagination of Poland, poster
  • The Greater Baltimore Committee Annual Report
  • "Before you look at their new ones,..."