• Typography and Letterpress Printing at U.C. Davis
  • Peter's Landing, 1979
  • Portrait of the Artist as a Young Ram/Ram Jam
  • Thos. Cooper & Sons
  • Nexus Book
  • Shakespeare Festival of Dallas
  • Pompeii-XIX Signage
  • Connections
  • Jobs
  • Ansett: Top Connections
  • Royal Robbins
  • Stephens Office Seating
  • Interprint
  • Edwards & Angell
  • The Harley-Davidson Story
  • CCAC 75th Anniversary T-Shirt
  • Kimonos
  • The Blimp Book
  • Sushi
  • Mt. Lid Woolens 1982
  • Larry's Deli
  • First Nationwide Savings
  • Experiments in Gothic Structure
  • The Circus of Dr. Lao
  • The Dragon Kite
  • Chemistry, Fifth Edition
  • Draw from Experience