• March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Annual Report 1986
  • Polaroid Special System: First Edition & Special Edition
  • AIGA Functional Graphics Call for Entries
  • S.T. Peterson + Co., Inc.
  • Minneapolis College of Art and Design 1987/88
  • “Atrium on Public Square” Bag for Standard Oil building retail shops
  • The L.J. Skaggs and Mary C. Skaggs Foundation 1985 Annual Report
  • This is still the place to look for the spirit of America
  • The Dow Chemical Company 1985 Public Interest Report
  • Third Street Music School Campaign
  • Curtice-Burns, Inc. Annual Report for the Year Ended June 27, 1986
  • The Two Leaders in Mortgage Backed Securities Finally Have Some Company
  • Continuing Education at The Art Institute of Boston, Fall '85, Spring '86
  • Visible Language, Volume XIX, Number 2
  • Art Directors Club of Houston Student Show Call for Entries
  • 1976–1986; Ten Years of Collecting Contemporary American Art—Selections from the Edward R. Downe, Jr. Collection
  • The Basel School of Design and its Philosophy: The Armin Hofmann Years, 1946-1986
  • Art Directors Club of Houston Student Show Call for Entries
  • “Style” printer’s promotion wall calendars
  • The Spiritual Double: April Greiman for Design Quarterly at Walker Art Center
  • Brooks for Women
  • Draw the Cowboy
  • A Company That Cares: One Hundred Year Illustrated History of Johnson & Johnson
  • The Painted Speech of Ray Bradbury
  • Shea Stadium Neon Murals
  • Dimensions '85/The Business of Humor
  • Give Peace a Dance