• Sundog Productions Logo
  • Stop This Man (Street Propaganda)
  • A Little Night Book (Glow-In-The-Dark Book )
  • Low Life
  • Knoll Venice Biennale Invitation
  • IDSA Exhibit
  • "Call For Entries" The AR 100 Show
  • Visual Merchandising Manual
  • "Save Our City" Poster
  • John Van Dyke Brochure for Exhibit in Moscow
  • Brio
  • Shelter Circa 1990
  • Prejudice/Racism (Bus Placard)
  • Palais D'amour Honey
  • Williamson Printing Company Poster
  • Douglas Entrance Catalog
  • Fort Point: Sentry at the Golden Gate
  • Illinois Film Office Location Guide
  • Fox River Paper Company
  • Coastal World Fall 1991
  • Gunselman & Polite 1991 Calendar
  • George for Dogs
  • Morla Design Holiday Card '90
  • Vaughn/Wedeen Holiday Crate
  • Bo Jackson/Super Heroes Series
  • Fresh Force
  • The Nature of the Chinese Character