• September 11th Response & Recovery (http://www.redcross.org/911legacy/)
  • Abitibi Consolidated 2005
  • A Little Book on Poverty & Glory
  • Vilcek Prize Trophy
  • By George
  • Pop Ink Note Cards
  • The List
  • New Wight Biennial
  • The Ideas Issue
  • A Disorder Peculiar to the Country
  • Pop Ink Catalogue 2006
  • Prada New York epicenter digital mirrors
  • PWIB Vision Book
  • He & She
  • Mao
  • 31 Days in Iraq
  • Get Clean
  • Camus Series: The Plague, The Stranger, Exile and the Kingdom
  • Lawyers solve problems
  • Brave New World; Brave New World Revisited
  • Cai Guo Quiang
  • Waitrose Juice Drink
  • Pop Ink Soap
  • Belkowitz 2007
  • The Believer Visual Issue
  • Joe
  • Africa Comics