One Degree, “1,” Poster
One Degree, “1,” Poster
One Degree, “1,” Poster

One Degree, “1,” Poster

Landor & Associates, 2007


In 2006, Rupert Murdoch set the challenge for News Limited and its associated global businesses to become carbon-neutral by 2010. Key goals included communicating News Limited’s established environmental track record, providing employees with practical tools to reduce their own carbon footprints, and creating a brand that would materially help drive employee, supplier and public action on climate change. It needed to work as an overarching umbrella that would bring together disparate businesses and thousands of employees, and inspire them to make long-term changes.

We developed One Degree on a simple premise: if everyone were to change their behavior by just one degree, we could change the future of the planet. Instead of scaring people into change, we focused on empowering them with the information and knowledge to make a tangible difference. The launch posters use News Limited employees with the degree symbol as the focus, echoing the logo and implying a thought bubble with the intent to make one degree of change.

Collections: AIGA 365: 29 (2008)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Brand and identity systems design
Format: Posters


Design firm
Landor & Associates
Creative director
Mike Staniford
Art director
Jason Little
Jason Little, Tim Warren
Stephen Ward
Director of photography
Jason Little
Content strategists
Damian Borchok, Richard Curtis, Cable Daniel-Dreyfus
Project manager
Richard Curtis
Mohawk Options, 270 gsm
News Limited