• Eleven International Dinners
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • “For latest gardening methods…(sunflowers)”
  • Museum of Modern Art 25th Anniversary, car card
  • Scope, Fall 1951
  • On the Level
  • Freud: The Man and His Mind
  • In the Winter of Cities
  • Masterpieces of Sculpture from the National Gallery of Art
  • The Bowker Lectures on Book Publishing—First Series
  • Ulysses in Paris
  • “In the first five months…”
  • The Hard Hours
  • “Herman Miller Comes to Dallas”
  • “George Washington on Foreign Policy”
  • “Supply and Demand”
  • “Jack Spratt Could Eat No Fat”
  • Hill Ranch
  • Kaeppeli, dinner menu and program
  • Design Laboratory
  • Exploring the Moon
  • The Greater Power and Other Address
  • Creative Art for Children\, Young People, Adults, Schools
  • Christmas 1951—Gifts for Men and Boys Selected by Brooks Brothers
  • Fragile Fox
  • “Mrs. Mitchell’s last car cost more than $6,000”
  • “Listening in Depth”