• Scope (Spring 1955)
  • Convention, announcement
  • Mister PLUS blotters (5)
  • De Pinna, Christmas catalogue
  • The Romance of Tristan and Iseult
  • A House on the Rhine
  • “The 1956 National Republican Convention”
  • The Craft & Context of Translation
  • My Father, Charlie Chaplin
  • Walt Whitman’s Civil War
  • The Lamp—September 1952
  • Jacob’s Ladder
  • Compendio Medico
  • Roses are red…
  • Fourth Annual Exhibition, Book Jacket Designers Guild, 1951
  • Masterpieces of Painting from the National Gallery of Art
  • The Golden Peaches of Samarkand
  • Poems and Drawings
  • A Mouse’s Tale
  • The Cherry Tree Carol
  • Lederle Bulletin, November 1950
  • Newbery Medal Books: 1922–1955
  • The Meridian
  • “Look Ahead—Paint with Pabco”
  • “An estimated 45 million viewers…”
  • “For latest gardening methods…(apple)”
  • Walker Evans American Photographs