Larry Johnson
Larry Johnson
Larry Johnson
Larry Johnson

Larry Johnson

Green Dragon Office, Los Angeles, California, 2009


Larry Johnson’s exhibition catalogue presented special problems because his work is so “graphic,” literally made of images and typography that twist the conventions of graphic design, illustration and (somewhat anachronistic) means of graphic arts techniques to an extremely subversive effect. And while we usually like to incorporate aspects of the subject at hand when we are representing the artists’ work in their own book, here we really ran the risk of either caricaturing Johnson’s (pretty fabulous) graphic work, or we could opt for the default of the clean white space. I think we found a structure for the book that allowed us to show off his work in the context of the writings, emphasizing the readerliness of the book (for an artist who clearly prizes that same quality in his own work) and typography that is friendly (another quality of Johnson’s work, evident from the get-go with the winsome creatures on the cover).

Juror Notes

First off, I dare you to look at this cover and not smile. More importantly, the designer honors the humor and winking wit of the art throughout the entire package. Inspired finish and color choices, clearly laid out.

Collections: 50 Books | 50 Covers of 2009
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Book design
Format: Book


Design firm
Green Dragon Office
Creative director
Lorraine Wild
Victoria Lam
Russell Ferguson
Kara Kirk