Hum Research Book
Hum Research Book
Hum Research Book
Hum Research Book
Hum Research Book
Hum Research Book

Hum Research Book

Alt Group Limited, Auckland, New Zealand, 2008


To coincide with the launch of Formway Design Studio’s new product Hum, a book was created to support the research behind the development of the product. The book was designed to function as a tool for facility managers, human resource managers, architects and designers charged with the task of creating and maintaining high-performance workplaces. Its role as a communication piece is to provide evidence of the investigation, exploration and design process that led to the development of the product. This is entirely a pioneering case of evidence-led design. The book builds and amplifies the reputation of the product and the company bringing it to market. 

Juror Notes

Artistic. In-your-face, yet neutral. It works. Nice control of yellow. 

Collections: AIGA 365: 30 (2009)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Promotional design and advertising
Format: Promotion, Booklet