Novellus Angstromania 2 Diskette Invitation

Novellus Angstromania 2 Diskette Invitation

Larsen Design & Interactive, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1996


The diskette component of the Angstromania 2 invitation packet reinforces the action/adventure message of the comic-book-style invitation and brings to life the character of the rebel Queen Stephanie. In the comic book, the queen records a secret message for key Novellus customers. When the diskette is opened, customers are able to see this call for help in video format as well as access secret mission briefing files. The diskette content reinforces the invitation theme of “Anxiety in Angstrodam,” which is linked to current issues in the semiconductor industry and literally brings to life benefits of the client’s revolutionary new technology.

Collections: Design of Understanding 2
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Information design
Format: Interaction, Promotion, CD ROM