- 50 Books | 50 Covers
- AIGA 365
- AIGA Jurors
- AIGA Medalists
- B. Martin Pedersen
- The Book Jacket and Paperback Cover Show
- The Book Jacket and Paperback Cover Show
- The Book Show
- California Graphic Design 1980–1982
- Case Studies
- Case Studies
- Case Studies
- Chermayeff & Geismar (1960–2006)
- Communicating with Children
- Communication Graphics
- The Cover Show
- Covers
- A Decade of Entertainment Graphics
- A Decade of Sports Graphics
- Denver Art Museum
- Design and Printing for Commerce
- Design for the Public Good
- Design of Understanding 2
- Fifty Advertisements of the Year
- Fifty Books
- Fifty Books of the Year
- Fifty TV Commercials of the Year
- Functional Graphics
- Graphic Explanations: Charts, Diagrams, Graphs and Maps
- The Greening of Design
- The Humor Show
- Illustrations
- Information Graphics: Design of Understanding
- Insides/Outsides
- Issues and Causes
- Just Type
- Just Type Two
- Looking Forward
- Maximum Message/Minimum Means
- The Mental Menagerie: A Five Year Retrospective
- Objects of Design
- The One-Color/Two-Color Show II
- The One-Color/Two-Color Show
- Packaging
- Paperbacks U.S.A.
- People, Places and Things
- The Photographer’s View
- Political Art
- Portraits II
- The Poster Show
- Print Ads of the Year
- Printing for Commerce
- Push Pin Graphic (1957-1980)
- R.S.V.P.: Invitations Only
- Rare Book and Manuscript Library
- Richard Danne (Gips & Danne, Danne & Blackburn, DanneDesign)
- Sound Off: The Top 100 CDs, Music Videos and Print Collateral
- Soundblast
- The Tee-Shirt Show
- Under 30
- Vignelli Associates (1962-2008)
- The Whole Book
Fifty TV Commercials of the Year (1973)
Fifty best television advertisements that appeared in the United States or Canada in 1972.